Deliver more efficient with the IBI delivery app
Please check the comparison table for IBI 10, Start, Go and Pro
IBI 10
Up to 10 stops for a delivery route per bike or car.
Unlimited routes per day.
Premium geocoding and route algorithms.
IBI Start
Up to 45 stops for bike or car.
Shortest or fastest route.
Select your favorite app for navigation (like Waze, Google, Apple, HereWeGo).
Up to 110 stops per delivery route.
Mail a list, store a list, share a list.
Send a SMS from IBI
Get the delivery route with restrictions and speed for a truck.
Set timezones per delivery.
IBI is developed for Android, Apple IOS and works also on Windows 10.
Download IBI in Google Play and IOS App store.
(*) The map and navigation apps of your mobile phone have specific terms of use, for business or fair use.